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Dental Myths and Misconceptions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of having healthy teeth. Having good teeth comes with a slew of benefits. One of them is a charming smile. Did you know that studies are being conducted to see if smiling will help you receive better career opportunities? A radiant smile increases self-esteem and allows you to have more confidence.

Regular dental visits and excellent oral hygiene are required to reap the full benefits of a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, there are several misconceptions regarding dental health, and these can be detrimental for your teeth.

Weed out the myths from the facts so you can better care for your teeth.

Dental Myths and Misconceptions and Their Truths

There are a slew of dental myths floating around. Hundreds of them can be found if you ask your friends, check the Internet, or look through some of your social media accounts. This is a major issue because it prevents and perplexes individuals and can keep them from getting the most out of regular dental exams and oral hygiene. That is why it is critical that we disprove them one by one.

  • Sugar is the leading cause of cavities

Sugar does not directly create cavities, contrary to popular belief. This does not, however, imply that you should consume as much sugar as possible. Sugar is in almost all foods at various levels and is a necessary component of our bodies. Cavities are caused by a variety of factors, like how long sugar stays on teeth. When you eat sugar, it combines with the plaque in teeth and creates acid, which can cause bacterial infection and lead to cavities if left untreated.

  • Sugar-Free Sodas Do Not Harm the Teeth

Diet sodas have high acid levels, and drinking them on a regular basis is bad for your teeth. The acid, like all other sugar-free and citric drinks, weakens the enamel of the teeth, making them vulnerable to cavities and erosion.

  • White Teeth = Healthy Teeth

Unfortunately, having white teeth does not always imply that your teeth are healthy. Your gums, for example, could be infected with a disease that you aren’t aware of. The gums are crucial because they surround your teeth and keep them in place. While teeth whitening has been all the rage nowadays, it is essential to also maintain the health of your gums.

  • The Harder You Brush Your Teeth, the Cleaner It Is

Brushing your teeth too forcefully can harm them. It can damage the enamel, making you more vulnerable to cavities and other dental problems. Brushing too hard can also cause your gums to recede, exposing the roots of your teeth and causing irritation.

  • Dentist Visits Are Necessary Only When You Experience Pain

People frequently think of visiting a dentist only after they notice something is wrong with their teeth. So it comes as a shock to them when their dentists tell them they require root canals. Regular dental visits, on the other hand, are critical because many oral problems may be unnoticeable. Going to the dentist twice a year will not only allow the dentist to spot signs of problems but it will also help you prevent future ones.

  • Bleeding Gums Should be Cause to Stop Flossing

You need to floss after brushing your teeth. Flossing allows you to clean the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, particularly in between your teeth. It’s usual to suffer minor bleeding when flossing your teeth for the first time. If you’ve been flossing for a while and your gums are bleeding, it’s most likely due to inflammation. This does not, however, imply that you must stop flossing. Within 1 to 2 weeks, gentle flossing will stop the bleeding. If the bleeding continues, make an appointment with your dentist.

  • Chewing Any Type of Gum Can Help Clean Your Teeth

It’s true that chewing sugar-free gum can help clean teeth, The myth is that any type of gum will do. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Sugar-free gum, on the other hand, stimulates saliva production in the mouth, which washes away bacteria and acids. To thoroughly clean your teeth, you should chew sugar-free gum for at least 20 minutes.

  • Bleeding Gums Are Normal

Bleeding gums are one of the most prevalent issues that people bring up with their dentists. A tiny bit of bleeding is typical if you maintain adequate and healthy dental care and hygiene. You must, however, exercise caution in this regard. While gum bleeding is typically not serious, if you notice that you’re bleeding more than usual, it’s best to see your dentist.

  • Only the Youth Need Braces

The majority of people believe that braces are only for children. You may recall when you were younger how some of your pals were ecstatic to have the colour of their braces changed on a monthly basis. Is it truly just for teenagers? Adults can get braces as well, though it is advised that they be fitted when they are younger.

  • Charcoal Toothpaste Is Wonderful for Your Teeth

Most dentists do not advocate using activated charcoal toothpaste. The ability of charcoal-activated objects to absorb pollutants is well-established. However, it is possible that it does not apply to your teeth. There is now continuing research, and while some dentists say that using activated charcoal toothpaste once a month is fine, others do not recommend it at all because it is abrasive and can wear down teeth enamel.

  • Brushing and Flossing Well Before a Dental Appointment Cleans Your Teeth

No. Flossing and brushing your teeth properly must become a habit for you to gain the benefits. When your dentist examines your teeth, he will be aware of your brushing and flossing habits and whether you practice adequate oral hygiene or not. So, no, cleaning and flossing extra before a dentist appointment isn’t going to help.

  • Teeth Whitening Can Damage Teeth

Contrary to popular belief, teeth whitening does not harm the enamel of your teeth. Teeth whitening is a relatively risk-free procedure. Although you may have some sensitivity after your first or second appointment, this normally disappears with time. Because there are numerous causes that cause discolouration in our teeth, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution.

  • Drinking Fruit Juices All the Time Is Good for Your Teeth

Fruit juices with a high acid content, such as lemonade and oranges, can severely damage the enamel of your teeth. However, this does not imply that you should stop drinking fresh fruit juices because they still provide you with essential nutrients. What you should do is drink water right after you drink fruit juice to wash away the acid.

  • Pregnant Women Must Avoid the Dental Office

Even when pregnant, dental appointments are important. Some women want strange foods during pregnancy, and some of them can be quite hazardous to the teeth, therefore frequent dental checks are essential.

  • Toothaches Can Be Ignored if They don’t Persist

If the pain is coming from the area around the teeth and it isn’t bothering you, you can disregard it. However, if the pain is acute and originates from the inside of your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist.

  • Brushing Your Teeth After a Meal is Good

Brushing your teeth right after eating can disrupt the bacteria-fighting process in your mouth. Food stimulates saliva production in the mouth, which helps to clean your teeth.

What Dental Health Red Flags You Should Watch out For

  • Receding Gums

As you become older, it’s natural to notice receding gums. However, you must be cautious because receding gums may indicate an underlying oral condition. Gum recession can expose the roots of your teeth, which can be painful.

  • Dryness

Your mouth needs saliva to clean the teeth. Have your mouth examined by a dentist if it seems particularly dry.

  • Shifting Teeth

Adult teeth are intended to be permanent, therefore if you notice some of your teeth changing, you should have them checked. It could be an infection or the beginnings of bone loss.

  • Bumps and Sores Lasting for Long Periods

Typical lumps and sores, such as canker sores, normally go away in a week or two. However, if the lesions or bumps on your teeth persist, you should see a dentist right away.

Some Rules of Taking Care of Your Teeth

Aside from regular dentist appointments, good dental hygiene is essential. Your dentist will conduct cavity fillings and other dental procedures to keep your teeth in good shape. Brushing and flossing, on the other hand, will be up to you. Here are some suggestions for keeping your teeth in good shape.

  • Set regular dentist appointments
  • Avoid smoking and other harmful habits
  • Limit alcohol and other harmful drinks
  • Maintain a healthy diet

Get to Know Your Dentist

It’s critical to feel at ease with your dentist because you’ll be seeing him or her on a regular basis. Find someone with whom you feel at ease. Always check the credentials of the dentist you’re considering, especially if you need highly specialized care.

Talk to Your Dentist

Here are some important things you need to talk about with your dentist on your first visit or on your succeeding dental appointments.

  • Family medical/dental history
  • Habits
  • Oral issues
  • Medications and diagnoses currently in use

Be honest with your dentist so that he can better understand your problems and create a customized treatment plan for you. Visit your dentist on a regular basis, not just when you have a dental care emergency. For the assistance of a dentist in Guelph, contact Dr. Urszula Barrios. To book your appointment, you can call 519-676-6453 or email at info@guelphdentist.com.

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